Though professional teeth cleaning
services are done in a dental clinic, they aren’t typically performed by dentists. Rather, they’re performed by dental hygienists who are trained and specialized in teeth cleaning techniques.
The teeth cleaning treatment has two main components: scaling and polishing. Scaling gets rid of tartar deposits with the use of hand or ultrasonic instruments. The scaling treatment will often occur both above and below the gum line, especially if periodontal pockets (pockets in your gums) have formed. Cleaning the tartar below the gum line is essential; you can’t access it with a toothbrush, and it’s liable to cause gum infections.
The polishing procedure occurs after the scaling is completed. Scaling can leave teeth feeling rough but when the teeth are polished, the surface of your teeth are left feeling clean and smooth. If you are concerned with the cleaning wearing down enamel, rest assured that is not the case. The enamel layer is above the gum line, where most of the cleaning process occurs below the gum line, and additionally, the enamel is a very hard and resistant material.
Generally, the teeth cleaning process will end with a fluoride treatment, helping your teeth with the remineralization procedure we discussed before.