Are You Worried You Won't Be Numb Enough For Your Procedure?

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When we get a cavity filled or a root canal in Winnipeg done, we want to feel the same way as our city does in the winter: frozen. For any procedure, we want to be so numb that we don’t even realize we’re having dental work done.

If you were to write a list of the most popular dental fears, here’s one that would likely be near the top: the numbing injections won’t work.

The fear that you won’t be completely numbed before a procedure is relatively common. But despite how many patients worry about this, it’s an incredibly rare occurrence. 

To understand where this fear comes from and how dentists prevent pain using local anaesthesia, we’ve put together some information about how patients are numbed for dental procedures:


How Do Dentists Numb Your Mouth?

During a dental procedure, the most common numbing agent that’s used is local anaesthesia. Rather than putting you to sleep or paralyzing your entire body, local anaesthesia only targets the area that’s being treated.

The most common local anaesthetic that dentists use is lidocaine. It blocks the nerves that send pain signals to your brain. Typically, the effects last from 1-3 hours, depending on how much is administered.

In the middle of a long dental procedure, lidocaine may lose effectiveness. It might require a quick top-up to numb your mouth completely. If you start feeling any pain, simply ask your dentist for another injection and you’ll be good to go!


Why are Some Patients Resistant to Local Anaesthesia?

Our bodies are just as unique as our minds are. For certain people, the standard dosage of local anaesthetic may not be enough; they could have a natural resistance to it. We don’t yet have a concrete answer as to why some people can’t be numbed, but the prevailing theory is that their nerves are in different locations

There may be other mechanisms behind this resistance, like an infected tooth or high metabolism. If you suspect that you are resistant to local anaesthesia, be sure to mention it to your dentist.


Are There Any Risks Involved with Local Anaesthesia?

Are you anxious that you may be subject to side effects after the numbing agent is administered? While there are a few negative effects associated with local anaesthesia like lidocaine, they are rare and minimal. Your dentist may administer lidocaine with epinephrine to extend its effects, minimize bleeding, and reduce toxicity.

If you’re still concerned that you won’t be numb enough, don’t worry! At EK Dental, we will work with you to provide the most comfortable experience possible. Please let us know if you think that you’re resistant to local anaesthesia. Whenever you require more local anaesthetic, let us know; we will administer an appropriate amount so that your procedure is pain-free.


Those who have had bad experiences in the past may be afraid that a future dentist will make the same mistake. Try to find a reputable dentist with years of experience by asking your family for recommendations, reading online reviews, and visiting different clinics. That way, you know you’ll be in good hands.

Are you looking for dentists in Winnipeg? Give us a call! At East Kildonan Dental Group, your comfort is a priority to us. We will find a strategy that works for you.

Article written by East Kildonan Dental

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